2014       Master of Fine Arts, Photography, San José State University, San José, CA

2010       Bachelor of Arts, Studio Art, Humboldt State University, Arcata, CA

2007       Associate of Arts, General Studies, College of the Redwoods, Eureka, CA



2020-      Temporary Full-time Job Share, Portland Community College, Portland, OR

Present    Art141: Introduction to Photography

      Art 140A: Digital Photography

2018-       Adjunct Instructor, Portland Community College, Portland, OR

2020   Art 141: Introduction to Photography

2019 Adjunct Instructor, Clackamas Community, College, Oregon City, OR

Art 161: Photography I, Beginning Darkroom

Art 162: Photography II, Intermediate Darkroom

2017       Adjunct Instructor, San José City College, San José, CA

               Photography 079: Beginning Digital Photography

               Photography 022: Beginning Photography, Darkroom

2016       Part-time Lecturer, San José State University, San José, CA

               Photography 110: Intermediate Photography, Darkroom

               Photography 40: Beginning Photography, Digital

2015/17 Gallery Teacher, San José Museum of Art, San José, CA

              Tour Guide for K-12, activity facilitator for community days, youth summer art camps

2013       Part-time Lecturer, San José State University, San José, CA

               Photography 110: Intermediate Photography, Darkroom

               Photography 40: Beginning Photography, Digital

2011/15   Photography Curriculum Writer/Instructor/Assistant Director, Camp Edventure More, SF, CA



2017/24  Exhibitions Committee, Blue Sky Gallery, Portland Oregon

2017       Freelance Consultant, LensCulture, San Francisco, CA

2017       Guest Services, Oregon Jewish Museum and Center for Holocaust Education, Portland, OR



2021       Artist-in-Residence, Sitka Center for Art & Ecology, Lincoln City, OR (December)

2017       Artist-in-Residence, The Center for Photography at Woodstock, Woodstock, NY, (June)



2023       Threshold: Recontextualizing Self-Portraiture, Southeast Museum of Photography, Daytona State College, Daytona Beach, FL

2022       Afterword, Small Talk Collective, Strange Paradise Gallery, Portland, OR

2021/2024  Work on Loan for Carolyn Moore Residency, Portland Community College, Portland, OR

2021       One Person Exhibition, OPENS Gallery, Portland, OR

2021       Light Conversations Vol. 2, Small Talk Collective, Strange Paradise Gallery, Portland, OR

2020       FORECAST, SF Camerawork, San Francisco, CA

2019       International Juried Award, Center for Photographic Art, Carmel, CA

2019       Art Faculty Exhibition, Helzer Gallery, Portland Community College, Rock Creek, Portland, OR

2019       >7 (Fat Positive Exhibition), 621 Gallery, Tallahassee, Florida

2019       Two Person Exhibition, An Inward Gaze, Curated by Jon Feinstein and Roula Seikaly of Humble Arts Foundation, Blue Sky Curatorial Prize, Blue Sky Gallery, Portland, OR

2019       Woodstock AIR: Housed, The Center for Photography at Woodstock, Woodstock, NY

2018       Viva Las Fotos: A Day of the Dead Memorial for Laura Aguilar, Avenue 50 Studios, LA, CA

2017       Black & White, The Center for Fine Art Photography, Fort Collins, CO

2017       Woodstock Summer of Love, The Center for Photography at Woodstock, Woodstock, NY

2017       Strength & Beauty: The Women’s Show, South x Southeast, Molena, GA

2017       Triton Statewide 2D Salon Exhibition, Santa Clara, CA

2017       Body/Image, Darkroom Gallery, Essex Junction, VT

2017       Nasty Women Oakland, Omi Gallery, Oakland, CA

2017       SPE Multi-Caucus Exhibition, Orlando, FL

2015       (Dis)Comfort: A National Exhibition, Piante, Eureka, CA

2015       Making a Scene: 50 Years of Alternative Bay Area Spaces, SOMArts, San Francisco, CA

2015       Through a Curious Lens, A National Art Exhibit, Santa Cruz Art League, Santa Cruz, CA

2015       Photo Alchemy: Alternative Processes in Photographic Media, PVAC, Watsonville, CA

2015       The Photographic Nude 2015, LightBox Photographic Gallery, Astoria, OR

2015       2015 Juried Exhibition Web Gallery, Center for Photographic Art, Carmel, CA

2014       Silhouettes Online Exhibition, Linus Galleries, Los Angeles, CA

2014       Photography Now?, Cal Poly University Art Gallery, San Luis Obispo, CA

2014       Lift Off, Art Ark, San José, CA

2014       MFA Exhibition, Emergence, San José State University, San José, CA

2014       18th Annual New Generations Student Showcase, de Young Museum, San Francisco, CA

2014       Emerging Artist Exhibition, California State University East Bay, Hayward, CA

2014       2014 MFA Student Showcase, San José State University, San José, CA

2013       Emerging Photographers Show, Swanlund’s Gallery Eureka, CA

2013       Me, Myself and I, curated by David Hilliard, Rayko Photo Center, San Francisco, CA

2013       Powerful Images/ Alluring Objects, 111 Minna Gallery, San Francisco, CA

2013       17th Annual New Generations Student Showcase, de Young Museum, San Francisco, CA

2013       SKIN, Darkroom Gallery, Essex Junction, VT

2013       MFA Now 2013, Root Division, San Francisco, CA

2012       Tango and the Modern Nude, Art Ark, San José, CA

2012       Photo Alchemy, Pajaro Valley Arts Council, Watsonville, CA

2012       Stark, San José State University, San José, CA

2011       BA Exhibition, The Burden of Mine, Venatore Gallery, Arcata, CA, 2011


2020       “The Body Issue,” FemalePhotographers.Org (, Vol. 1, Hatje Cantz, 2020


2021       Light Conversation Vol. 2 Exhibition Awardee, Small Talk Collective, Portland, OR

2019       Critical Mass, Top 200

2019       International Juried Exhibition, Second Place, Center for Photographic Art, Carmel, CA

2019       Blue Sky Curatorial Prize, Blue Sky Gallery, Portland, OR

2018       Nomination, The Royal Photographic Society, 100 Heroines, Bath, United Kingdom

2017       Director’s Honorable Mention, The Center for Fine Art Photography, Fort Collins, CO

2016       San José ICA Portfolio Review Scholarship Recipient, San José, CA

2007       Best in Photography, College of the Redwoods, Eureka, CA

2005       Bill & Melinda Gates Millennium Scholarship



2019       Female Photographers.Org, Feature in Vogue Italia, Online,

2019       Female Photographers.Org, Feature in Vogue Italia, Online,


2019      “Using the Female Gaze to Look Inside the Self,” Feature Shoot, Miss Rosen,


 2019       “Self-Perception in Color, Pose and the Nude Self-Portrait, PDN Online,


2019       “An Inward Gaze @ Blue Sky Gallery,” Don’t Take Pictures, Frances Jakubek,


2019       “An Inward Gaze,” Exhibition catalog, Blue Sky Gallery, Portland, OR

2019       PDN Online, “Self-Perception in Color, Pose and the Nude Self-Portrait,”

2019       “An Inward Gaze,” Artist Talk, Blue Sky Gallery, Portland, OR


2018      Lenscratch, Photographers on Photographer: Samantha Geballe on Brittney Cathey-Adams, TBA

2018       Artifats Collection (@artifats_collection), Featured Photographer,


2017       Center for Photography at Woodstock, Vimeo, “Brittney Cathey-Adams 2017 Artist-In-Residence,”   


2017       SPE Multi-Caucus Exhibition, show catalogue, Society for Photographic Education, Orlando, FL

2016        Roula Seikaly, “Q&A: Brittney Cathey-Adams”, Strange Fire Collective,


2015       Blur Magazine, Issue 42, Sesvete, Croatia

2015       Seities, “Theme: Nude”, Spring 14/15, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

2015       Photo Alchemy 2015, catalogue, Watsonville, CA

2014       MFA Now 2014, catalogue, Root Division, San Francisco, CA

2014       Aimee Santos, “Brittney Cathey-Adams: Body Positive Photographer,” Los Retratos,


2013       SKIN, catalogue The Darkroom Gallery, Essex Junction, VT

2013       MFA Now 2013, catalogue, Root Division, San Francisco, CA

2012       Photo Alchemy, catalogue, Pajaro Valley Arts Council, Watsonville, CA

2010       Don Anton, “Intercambio”, photograph, Nueva Luz Photographic Journal, Volume 14, No. 2, NY



2021       Guest Photographer lecturer, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL

2021       Show & Tell, Sitka Center for Art & Ecology, Lincoln City, OR

2020       SF Camerawork: In Conversation: Brittney Cathey-Adams, Rachel Fein-Smolinsky and Jaclyn Wright

2019       “An Inward Gaze” Lecture, Blue Sky Gallery, Portland, OR

2017       Guest photography lecturer, West Valley College, Saratoga, CA

2016       Guest photography lecturer & wet lab demonstration, San José State University, San José, CA

2015       “Pop Up Pix: Brittney Cathey-Adams,” speaker, Joshua Tree 2015 Society for Photographic Education Southwest & 

                West Retreat, Joshua Tree, CA, November 13-15

2015       Guest lecturer and laser-trans demonstration, San José State University, San José, CA

2014       “Pecha Kucha”, speaker, Stritch, San José, CA                

2014       “Transition”, video guest speaker, Humboldt State University Alumni Association, Arcata, CA

2014       Guest photographer, speaker, Humboldt State University, Arcata, CA

2014       Guest photographer, lecture and demonstration, San José State University, San José, CA

2013       “Slide Slam 2013”, speaker, Root Division, San Francisco, CA

2012       Guest photographer, speaker, Humboldt State University, Arcata, CA



2017       The Center for Photography at Woodstock, Woodstock, NY



2022       Exhibition Committee, Blue Sky Gallery, Portland, OR      

2022       Selection Committee, 2022 Artist in Residence for Sitka Center for Art & Ecology, Lincoln City, OR

2020       Selection Committee, 2020 Artist in Residence for the Center for Photography at Woodstock

2017        Blue Sky Gallery Volunteer, Portland, OR

2015/17    Volunteer Darkroom Assistant, Cabrillo College, Aptos, CA

2015/16    Juror, Annual New Generations Student Showcase, de Young Museum, San Francisco, CA

2012       Graduate Assistant, designed program brochures, San José State University, San José, CA

2012/14   Instructional Assistant, Professors Robin Lasser, Valerie Mendoza, and Robert Dawson, San José State University, San José, CA

2009/10  Instructional Assistant, Professor Don Gregorio Antón, Humboldt State University, Arcata, CA



2017/24      Blue Sky Gallery, Portland, OR

2011        The Society for Photographic Education, Cleveland, OH

2017       The Center for Fine Art Photography, Fort Collins, CO

2012       Pajaro Valley Arts Council, Watsonville, CA